
I got back from Australia yesterday. Working with our OO company in Sydney. Amazing lovely people. This song was written when I realised how fantastic the people I was working with were, and I needed to get back to solving problems with humans.

Now That You’ve Gone

When a great friend, fellow musician and inspiration died in 2007, this was one of a number of songs that started out with me thinking of him, and what we used to write together. This one went in a different direction (more 10cc) but this was where it started.


This song represents one of those moments when something comes out of almost nothing. A simple guitar riff got turned into something special.

And Now He Stands Alone

A few of us got together yesterday to celebrate Robin’s birthday. It was great to see everyone. Robin’s playing on this track is inspired. This is from The Return of The Dangerous Lilos, recorded in 2008 and released in 2009.